
Adnil Dresses In Her Finest

     Adnil dresses in her winter finest
     A long white satin dress
     A coat given to her by a snow leopard
     And a tiara made of icicles and diamonds
     She travels the land on a black toboggan
     Coating trees with ice and covering the land with snow
     Whispers sweet dreams to the animals as they hibernate
     Adnil dresses in her winter finest

     Adnil dresses in her spring finest
     In brown hipwaters up to her waist
     A straw hat covered in tulips and daffodils
     Trilling a song that calls all the Robins and goldfinches
     She travels the land on an old fashioned tractor
     Budding the trees and seeding the land
     Warmly smiles as animals cuddle their newborns
     Adnil dresses in her spring finest

     Adnil dresses in her summer finest
     Wearing a long green gown
     Wearing a crown made of berries and cherries
     Filling the sky with fireflies and butterflies
     Travels the land on a fierce stallion
     Dressing the trees with leaves and fruits
     Corn as high as your eyes and other veggies too
     Adnil dresses in her summer finest

     Adnil dresses in her autumn finest
     Wearing a crimson jacket and a multicolored umbrella
     Wearing a hat that smells like pumpkins or maybe cider
     The air is getting crisper and the nights slightly longer
     She travels the land in a hay covered wagon
     Painting the trees gold, brown, and red
     Plowing the fields and putting them to bed
     Adnil dresses in her autumn finest

     Year after year Adnil puts on her finest
     She does this for all, including you and me
     Yet as time goes by we show very little appreciation
     So be warned that if you do not appreciate Adnil,
     she may have to dress in black
     And travel the lands with the four horsemen
     And though she may mourn what was lost in the destruction
     Adnil will rebuild but probably without us
     And once again will dress in her finest!

__ Mystikos Samaritan ___

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