Old Stories

Bran you're not with me anymore

Branwenne was a sweet, straight-shooting girl
Whom, when she entered a room, would set the guys in a whirl
With spunk and sass, but very classy
With her at your side, you knew your life was in no peril
Oh Bran - you are not with me anymore
Heavy is my heart, empty is my soul
I miss your smile, your gentle gibe
Without you, I no longer feel whole.

She fought with honor, quite willing to give her fair share
And each battle was a wondrous and victorious affair
Branwenne, we need her, make her a leader
She had hope that this would not lead to despair

Oh Bran - you are not with me anymore
Heavy is my heart, empty is my soul
I miss your smile, your gentle gibe
Without you, I no longer feel whole.

So came the battle in fear, and things just went bad
People fought and yelled at her, they all were mad
"This won't work, why must they be jerks?"
Poor Branwenne felt very, very sad

Oh Bran - you are not with me anymore
Heavy is my heart, empty is my soul
I miss your smile, your gentle gibe
Without you, I no longer feel whole.

Why they wouldn't do things her way is hard to say
So with anguish tears, she said goodbye and left that day
Cazic Thule and Innoruuk could not believe their good luck
For Branwenne had departed and gone away

Oh Bran - you are not with me anymore
Heavy is my heart, empty is my soul
I miss your smile, your gentle gibe
Without you, I no longer feel whole.

So my sweetheart is no longer with us, I have been told
Thus I must be the first to say, please forgive us if I may be so bold
Will she return to stay? Only you can say
Please ask her kindly to return to the fold

Oh Bran - you are not with me anymore
Heavy is my heart, empty is my soul
I miss your smile, your gentle gibe
Without you, I no longer feel whole.

I love you sweetie
Take care and quest well
Your delirious Dad
Mystikos Samaritan

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AI Website Creator