Old Stories

Explain the Pain

I am not much of a poet, but I would like to give you all the following as a peace offering to those I love and a small source of entertainment for everyone else.

You don't know how great it is, being with you at this time,
Being able to talk to you, even if it's line by line.
Then there are the times that we can only talk through tells because you're in Burning Woods, and I am stuck in Qeynos Hills.
"It's not real!" they say to me, "this is just an elaborate telephone call."

How do I make them understand? Please, how do I
Explain the pain?

We have entered a new zone, one I've never seen,
With wondrous cities, forts, and artifacts from a time that once was.
Where strange new creatures roam, we wonder if we should attack,
Because to me, they con red, but to you, they just con black.
"It's not real!" they say to me, "These are just polygons."
How do I make them understand? Please, how do I
Explain the pain?

We're in battle, and my rogue friend dies,
And I'm a mage, not a cleric, I can't revive.
Or that brave druid again died today,
I'm just a warrior, not a wizard, I can't blast away.
"It's not real!" they say to me, "you know that no one is truly dead."
How do I make them understand? Please, how do I
Explain the pain?

The quest is done, and now my friend has a new pair of magic shoes.
The zone is won! And CT is dead! And I must say thanks to all of you.
But it's time to camp, OMG, how 12 hours truly flies,
Barely time to shed a tear, and hopefully get in all my goodbyes.
"It's not real!" they say to me, "come on, man, it's just a game."
How do I make them understand? Please, how do I
Explain the pain?

Mystikos Samaritan

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