Old Stories

Goodbye Young Heros

Once there were MOSH, SanctusKnights, and Eye of Mordor,
Forsaken Legion, Sultans of Ro were their names from before.
But they joined together, and Vision they became, a major change,
This was, things weren't to be the same, now many thrived and
adjusted, unfortunately, others did not, so here I wish to praise
them, to let them know we haven't forgotten.

Malachite, and Acaloom, and Salvor, my son,
brave men who fought until the day was won.
Daigan, and Wliten, and Elvathir too,
your courage made me proud to serve beside you.
Deadiey, and Judamce, and Traven as well,
sorely we miss sending you a tell.
Saskwach, and Moolaca, and of course Azelar,
gone but not forgotten, I promise, by and far.
Henola, and Silorf, and my friend Ypus,
your stay with us was short, but knowing you was a plus.

Now I mention all these names, and you may wonder why,
it's because these are the ones that made us laugh, think, or
cry, and although I hope it's the good in them that you remember
longer, it's the tension caused that I hope made us stronger, and
though it may seem that they have forever gone away, you
never really know when your paths may cross someday.

So, ladies and gentlemen, I ask you to raise your beers,
think of the good times, and give these fine young heroes your
cheer, and if there is a name or two that I may have missed,
please don't be shy and add them to the list,
and I truly hope that when our day is done and new members
come along, that they too remember our deeds and praise our
names in song.

Take care, quest well,
Mystikos Samaritan

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