Old Stories

Lady Celena Angelheart: a monk with spunk

Let me tell you a story about a lady with a lot of spunk,
Her name is Cenla Angelheart,
And she's a human monk.

She was running through South Karana one fine day,
When a snake pops up its head,
And says, "Wait lady, hey lady, hey! HEY!"

"What is a newbie doing here? Doesn't your family care?
For weapons, you have those little sticks,
And as for armor, well, you look almost bare."

Cenla, who gave him a cold look, said, "Well, a dumb snake who would've thunk!
For it is obvious to all who can tell,
That I am a well-skilled monk!"

"Skilled you are?" the snake said, "Well, we shall see,"
And with that, he flung himself,
Trying to bite a chunk from her knee.

She dodged and twisted away, with her baton, he got such a whack,
The snake hissed and howled, spitting out venom,
As her blows found his unguarded back.

Now I must tell you that this snake was no ordinary snake,
But Fizzlethorpe Bristlebane, the king of thieves,
Trickster, Mischiefmaker, a disreputable rake.

He would use any advantage that he could get,
So when Cenla came to attack again,
He bowled her over as an aviak egret.

"What magic is this?" Cenla thought as she cleared her head,
She parried his blows and held her ground,
"I might be in trouble here," she started to dread.

She was gaining the upper hand, far from the egret's intent,
"So you think you're good? Let's see how you handle this,"
And came at her as a raging bull elephant!

Cenla thought, "I must outwit him, brute force is not the way,"
She darted and pirouettes around him,
"If I don't, my corpse will soon be on the ground lay!"

The bull elephant turned and came at her in full stride,
But she adroitly evaded him,
While laying a beating on his side.

He roared and turned and had her centered between his tusks,
And three feet from her, he became a tesch mas gnoll,
And clotheslined her with arms out thrust.

She choked for air; flat on her back, quite winded,
The gnoll punched and bit until Cenla managed,
To swing her baton in its face; the gnoll howled as it was blinded.

Badly wounded still, she jumped up and ran over a hill,
Until she found the deep Savannah grass,
There she feigned death in which she lay very still.

"A good move!" The gnoll yelled, "You must take a bow!" She did not answer,
"Let's us compromise, show yourself, and we'll make a deal,
Show yourself! You know I will find you!" She did not answer.

The brief respite gave her back some life, and suddenly she had a plan,
She waited until the gnoll was very close,
And a very vicious low blow she did land.

"Come now, sir, you must jest if this is the best you can do,
For truly now, you're starting to bore me,
If you can't do better than this, then I must finish you."

The gnoll raged and stomped the ground with four feet in fury,
"For now, he was a centaur charger,
And he let loose arrows in a furious flurry.

Cenla twisted, evaded, and dodged, she turned and she danced,
Until she reached the perfect spot,
Where she could make her best stance!

The charger let an arrow fly as Cenla let a shuriken go,
The arrow hit a tree as the shuriken found its mark,
And spliced the string of the charger's bow.

She used a tree branch to catapult her with flair,
A neat somersault, and she landed on his back,
Wrapped her powerful arms around his neck and started cutting off his air!

The charger grew and grew, causing Cenla to drop,
Until standing there with a face full of hatred,
Was the giant undead Cyclops!

"I have had it with you, miss! It won't be pretty what I do to you,
But Cenla just laughed and called him a fool,
For really, it's me," she said, "who has you where I wanted you!"

"HA!" said the undead Cyclops, "what makes you think you won this bout?
Because your vanity has made you the perfect target,"
And with that, she let out a shout.

"Undead Cyclops has spawned! I need partners with which to share,
It has fifty plat, a diamond, and other goodies,
Those who join me will get the most, I swear!"

The undead Cyclops sneered, "Do you think I should be scared?
Better listen, buddy," Cenla retorted, and you could hear,

"You see," she said, "when you first kept changing the game, I was surprised,
But I figured there was no way I could win,
Unless I figured out how to make YOU the prize."

The undead Cyclops raged and grabbed at her, but it went for naught,
For a warrior, wizard, necro, rogue, shaman hit him,
And many more were in on the onslaught.

And when he fell, a cheer went all around,
They were busy divvying up the prizes,
Only Cenla saw the snake slither to the ground.

But before he left, he truly showed himself and parted with this line,
"We still have a score to settle, M’Lady," Cenla just smiled,
"And I'll be ready," she shot back, "any place, any time."

So next time you're looking for someone who can show some spunk,
Never forget Lady Cenla Angelheart!!
A very brave and courageous human monk!

Take care and quest well, my friends,
Mystikos Samaritan.

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