Old Stories

The quest in the estate of unrest

Please sit awhile as my story is told,
About four heroes, so brave, so bold.
Mystikos, a human druid, was born near Qeynos Hills.
Falo, a wood elf ranger, had exceptional skills.
Ozgar, a dwarf cleric, was very quick with the heals.
Kandor, a dwarf warrior, villains were quick to feel his steel.

"So," said Kandor, "what adventures today shall be found,
For we are men in our twenties, and the world is unbound."
"Someone with rich purses," Falo said as he curled a smile.
"Experience too is nice," Myst said, "I haven't any in a while."
"A place near that we've never been," Oz said, "is the Estate of Unrest."
"Aha!" Kandor said, "that, my friends, shall be our quest!"

To get there, Dagnor's Cauldron you must travel,
Lichen-covered rocks soon make your footing unravel.
Goblins that carried arrows and bows,
An occasional skeleton from the lake's undertow.
Slipping and sliding to the opposite side, they arrived,
There the cave that faced them beckoned them inside.

Through the cave's winding tunnel, they came upon a frightful sight,
A dilapidated mansion, a homeowner's nightmare, you wouldn't sleep there at night.
The hedges were evenly trimmed by a mummy lurking there,
A Jack 'O' lantern with a mower ran helter-skelter everywhere.
Battle Beetles ran to a spot and built a mound from the ground,
Find one they forgot they built, and angrily tore it down.

Our heroes circled the mansion and came to a door at the back,
Sat and watched undead pick up moldy leaves and put them in hole-worn sacks.
"Three ghouls I have on track," Falo said just beyond this door,
An arrow, dot, holy bolt, cold steel, ghouls' bodies littered the floor.
"Kandor said, 'OK, now let's quietly inspect this place,
IVU first," Oz said, "doesn't hurt to play it safe."

Up the stairs, they could see a burnout fireplace lighting up the room,
A carrion ghoul was telling a skeleton monk how he looked well groomed.
Both were scheming to see who would occupy the lone chair,
No one noticed the four heroes as they went up the next set of stairs.
The next landing was barely big enough to hold all four,
Falo slowly pushed open the rotted, creaking, noisy door.

In the room, an undead barkeep was cleaning with a dirty, oily rag,
A barb skelly was playing the pipes, sounded like two cats trapped in a bag.
On the floor, our brave four did happen to glance,
Two Carrion ghouls were performing a weird ritual dance.
The keep cried, "Come in, learn the steps, otherwise close the door."
That they did, and on they went, up to the final floor.

The last room had a view, a broken window adorned the wall,
Two ghouls and a knight were sipping tea, a hag served them all.
"Let's get rebuffed," Kandor said, "Oz and Myst, nearly gave the spell speech."
When suddenly the Hag gave out a mournful screech.
"Don't go, my love, we just met," and gave Oz a giant kiss,
Falo laughed, Kandor and Myst giggled, Oz blushed, then he hissed.

"Who's with my woman?" the barkeep below began to bellow,
The Hag cackled, she knew the pandemonium that would follow.
They braced for action as the keep came racing up the stairs,
Flung the door open, hit Myst's head who then bumped the knight's chair.
The knight screamed, picked up Myst, everyone stared, that was weird,
"Toss him out the window," he hung for a second or two then disappeared.

Pain shot up Myst's spine as he landed directly on his rear,
80 hp's, that's gonna hurt, but it's his friend that he feared.
"Time to go," Kandor said, "our chance to flee, let's scram,"
Past the angry mob, they did flee, Falo gave the door a slam.
Oz led them all down the winding stairs,
And over Myst they did run, totally unaware.

"Train's coming," Kandor shouted behind us on its way,
"Not on track," Falo said, "maybe they went astray."
"Train's coming," Oz shouted, "Myst, where are you?"
Myst was staring at an angry mob, up the stairs he flew.
Back to the top floor, Myst's last stay here was a farce,
But out the window, he did go, once again landing on his arse.

The other three reached the cave which they were halfway through,
Kandor, Falo bandaged, Oz healed and shielded them too.
Myst alive but low, we will rescue him, that's the plan,
Out of nowhere came three skelly monks and one giant hand.
"These guys are deadly, to face them was certain defeat,"
They raced back to the mansion, for that was their only retreat.

They turned a corner, knocking Myst over, on his face, he did land,
"Come on, guys, nobody told me that this was part of the plan!"
Got to his feet, turned around, the giant hand was standing there,
With one digit flips, Myst up sailing through the air.
And though you may think his luck was kinda rough,
But this time he landed running, yelling, "Feet, do your stuff!"

And now it was Kandor that did an amazing feat,
"Falo, flip me," he yelled as he jumped high off his feet,
Twisting through the air, his sword into the hand did go,
The middle digit, which it seems quite apropos.
Falo and Oz made sure they weren't long lagging in the rear,
And through the cave, all four did disappear.

So that's the story about the quest in the Estate of Unrest,
I've heard some of the heroes say that adventure was one of the best.
Over time, many times, they have been there and seen other sights,
But none that can dull the memory of the first night.
Hard to believe my story, upon this tankard, I do swear,
It's all true, just ask anyone who was there.

Take care and quest well, my friends,
Mystikos Samaritan.

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