
The Story

Read me a story," said the little boy.
"Yes, a story!" cried the girl, being coy.
With dragons and wizards and heroic knights,
And unicorns, fairies, every princess's delight.
I know that these are the memories I'll keep,
As I read them stories, and they drift to sleep.

But then the time came when it had to be,
That they had grown, no time for make-believe.
School, sports, and socials brought new friends,
My, how they've grown! Different clothing, strange new trends.
So now we reminisce back when we were in our glory,
About those times, when they were young, and all the many stories.

They are adults now and on their own,
We often talk, even if it's only on the phone.
New responsibilities, commitments to share,
Families of their own that they need to care.
The time has come for them to be fathers and mothers,
And share the stories of us and all the others.

They have grown old, and I've grown even older,
And the time has now come to tell me, not much older.
Others have gone before me, and now it's near my time,
Time for me to join them, I know we'll all be fine.
I just ask that my children give me a small spot of glory,
And as I sleep, tell me one last story.

____Mystikos Samaritan____

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