New Stories

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The Frog and the Butterfly

There is a frog known by the name of Ronnie who is quite rude to all who pass by. He is notorious for making both women and even nuns blush furiously with his rude comments, but he saves his most vulgar remarks for the gentlemen.

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Lily and the Hamiltons

But Lily is a brave and courageous warrior. She was born in the deep South where the weather is always hot and humid. She spent much of her youth there with her family and others of her kind...

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The Adventurer's Wheel

There was a man, a long time ago, whom no one really knew. I cannot tell you the language he spoke or the part of the world he was born in.

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And I lay my head

I am completely exhausted and sore all over. I am so drained that I do not think I can move another muscle. So I lay my head down, slow down my breathing, and wait.

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The Adoption: An Update

I know it has been a while since I allowed you into my world. Do you remember me? I'm Raffi, and I can tell you a lot.

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The Adoption

Just to let you know, I have recently adopted two creatures. I must tell you, it was not easy to train them or even get them to understand me.

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How they met

To be able to tell you how they met, I need to tell you a little bit about them. First off, I must tell you about Graz.

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The Enchantress by the sea

You know, I find it kind of funny that when strangers come down to the village, one of the first things they ask is if Jing is a witch, to which all the villagers would indignantly respond, 'NO! 

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Unsung Heroes

Ross had to wait with the others in his group for the siren to sound. Dawn was approaching, and there was to be a ceasefire in effect for the entire day.

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When I was younger

I remember a time when I was younger, and the world was a different place. The road where we lived was a dirt road that was occasionally covered in oil to keep the dust down.

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Ainigriv the woodelf

My job is not an easy one, and I have been doing it for almost fourteen centuries. Let me introduce myself – my name is Ainigriv, and I am a female wood elf of the planet Bren.

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The lonely man

He was sitting by the creek, waiting for his fishing pole to bob when he got a distinct feeling that he was being watched.

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Noire Majestueux

As the evening dusk dined on the last of the daylight, the nocturnal creatures prepared for dance of the macabre.

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